Exercises For Sitting At The Desk
Building off of the last newsletter, the next step to help avoid those neck and back niggles comes in the form of some simple exercises which will compliment the correct sitting positions. You may find it difficult to make some of these changes as it will not happen overnight. Whatever you do, do not get frustrated and give up. Stick with it and make a more concerted effort to do them tomorrow. Below are a few exercises which are quick, easy and should take no more than 5-10 minutes to perform. I know everyone is busy during the day but when it comes to your health, you should be able to find 10 minutes which will benefit you in the long term.
-These are not a cure-all. If you have any current neck or back issues, these may not be for you right now.
-STOP if they do cause any pain!!!
1. Chin tucks
While looking straight ahead gently move your chin back towards your spine as if you are trying to give yourself a double chin (your significant other will love it, so make sure you do it while they are watching!).
3 second hold, 10 times every hour.
2. Shoulder blade squeezes
Sitting (or standing) up straight, squeeze your shoulder blades together. Make sure you avoid shrugging your shoulders towards your ears. You can do these sitting, standing, or even while Netflix-ing!
3 second squeeze, 10 times every hour.
3. Side Bend stretch
Sit/stand up straight, tilt your ear gently towards your shoulder. Make sure your trunk and shoulders do not lean sideways. Only your head and neck should be moving.
3 second hold, 10 times each direction.
4. Neck rotation
Sit/stand up straight, gently turn to look over one shoulder. Repeat to the opposite side.
1-2 second pause, 10 times each direction.
5. Seated hamstring stretch
In a seated position at your desk, slowly straighten your leg out as far as you can. You should feel a gentle stretch in the back of your leg. To get more of a stretch point your toes towards you giving you an extra calf stretch.
5 second hold, 10 times each leg.