Warm-ups Before Exercise and Sports Performance
What is a Dynamic Warm-up?
It is a group of exercises using movements specific to those performed in your sport that will ultimately prepare your body for optimal performance and help to decrease risk of injury. Recently research has shown these to be more beneficial than static stretching (think bending over to touch your toes).
Why do I need a warm-up before I play?
Many athletes and gym-goers are unaware of the importance and benefits of a proper warm-up prior to exercise or playing sports. This type of preparation prior to your given activity can help decrease the potential for injury. Injuries can be attributed to:
-Lack of warm-up
-Poor trunk/core flexibility and strength
-Poor body mechanics during movements
-Overuse of muscles, joints and ligaments not accustomed to the stresses placed on them
What should my warm-up include?
-A good warm-up should be 10-15 minutes to prime your body for optimal performance by:
-Increasing heart rate and blood flow
-Increasing ability for maximal efficiency of muscle activity
-Increasing flexibility, strength and power to help maintain proper body mechanics
-Start slow and progress to faster, more advanced movements while avoiding muscle soreness, tightness and fatigue. They should be specific to movements required in your sport or activity, as well as your age and fitness level.
-Initiate with 2-3 minutes of large muscle group movements, such as body weight squats to help break a sweat. This will help increase body temperature and metabolic rate
-Progress next to movements that include rotational and stabilizing muscle groups including shoulders, trunk and hips to be ready for explosive movements such changing directions or stop and start movements that may be required to perform
-Core strength is imperative to maintaining trunk stability during your sport. A Strong core is key for safe and efficient performance when it comes to use of your arms with throwing movements as well as legs with running
-Begin your workout within 15 minutes of finishing your warm-up
Can a Dynamic Warm-up Improve my Playing Ability?
Yes! Improvements in sports performance have been attributed to incorporating training programs that activate large muscle groups prior to competing. Muscle activation through a warm-up program allows for more coordinated body movements which leads to an increased force production that will carry over into your specific sport.
If you are interested in finding out more on how to get the most out of your warm-up and specific training please contact me at seanrose10@gmail.com